>>Modifying the eIntranet Site > Editing My Profile > Edit Profile

Edit Profile

You can specify the following information on the Edit Profile tabs:


The following table and figure describe the information you can set. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.

Field Description
First name Enter your first name.
Last Name Enter your last name.
Password Enter a password.
Confirm Password Re-enter the same password.
E-Mail Address Enter your email address.
Display Name Enter the name you want to display to others, which can be a nickname or title.
User Language Select from available languages.
Address Enter the address (or just the zip code) of where you are located.
Latitude This field is automatically determined by the address.
Longitude This field is automatically determined by the address.
Avatar Click on "Click to upload your Avatar" and choose an image file that you want to associate with your profile.
Profile Links This field is automatically determined by your profile.


The following table and figure describe the information you can set.

Field Description
Content and Forum Editor Choose eWebEdit400 or eWebEditPro.
Topics per Page Select the number of topics you want to display on a page. If the number of available topics exceeds the number you select, a scroll bar lets you see the additional topics. For example, if you select 10, and there are 25 topics, you can scroll to see all the topic, but only 10 will be displayed at one time.
Forum Signature Click Edit to enter or modify an automatic signature that appears at the bottom of each post you make to a forum topic.


The following table and figure describe the information you can set.

Field Description
Tags Keywords that you can assign to content and library items, which allows for tag-based searching. For example, you can add the tag EAC (Employee Activity Committee), and tag content that is related to the EAC, so that people can search for the content using the EAC tag.


The following table and figure describe the information you can set. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.

Field Description
Moderate Check the Moderate box to give this user privileges on a message board to approve and delete posts. Regular users in a group message board can create and delete only their own posts.
Features Check the Features box to give the user an individual calendar. (There may be other features to grant, also.)
Private Profile

Choose from one of the following options:

  • Public - The user information is accessible by others on the eIntranet.
  • Private - The user information is not accessible by others on the eIntranet.
  • Colleagues - The user information is accessible only by people on the eIntranet that are connected as colleagues.
Title Enter the title of the user.
Department Select the department to which this user belongs. The list contains any departments that you have created.
Extension Enter the user's telephone extension.
Phone Enter the user's company telephone number.
Cell Enter the user's cell phone number.
Desk Enter the value that identifies the location of the desk (or cubicle, or office), if your office identifies such things. This can be valuable in locating an employee on an office map.
Reports to: Enter the name of the person to whom the user reports. This can be valuable for developing organizational charts.
Time Zone Select the time zone where the user works.


The following table and figure describe the information you can set. By default, all activity is checked to display in the Activity Stream widget. By checking the boxes, you can select criteria for the types of content you want to see when colleagues or community groups create the content. You can also select (publish) the types of content that you want colleagues to see under the My Activities category.

Field Description
SMS A checked box indicates that the type of content will be sent to your cell phone Short Message Service (SMS).
Activity Stream A checked box indicates that the type of content will be displayed in the Activity Stream widget on the eIntranet pages.
Email A checked box indicates that the type of content will be sent to your Email address, which is specified in the General tab of your profile.

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